Research opportunities
I have projects for prospective MSc students and PhD students. This
would be in any of the areas of gauge theory, the moduli space of Riemann
surfaces and related moduli spaces, applications of algebraic geometry to
integrable systems and various mathematical physics related problems.
Project topics:
Super Riemann surfaces
Reading: arxiv:1209.2459
Topological recursion; Quantum curves
Reading: arxiv:0811.3531
Moduli space of flat connections; representation theory; Verlinde formula; conformal foeld theory
Reading: arxiv:0210466
Differentials on Riemann surfaces applied to gauge theory
Reading: arxiv:0306238
Quantum Teichmueller theory; moduli space of hyperbolic surfaces; cluster algebras
Reading: arxiv:1107.5069
I currently supervise the following PhD students.
Lukas Anagnostou works on the moduli space of classical and super Riemann surfaces.
Marcel Dang works on supergeometry.
Past PhD students.
- Fennecs Swaddle Deformation quantisation and Airy structures (2022).
- Wee Chaimanowong Seiberg-Witten Theory and Topological Recursion (2020).
- Oliver Leigh Enumerative problems in algebraic geometry motivated from physics (2019).
- Joe Chan On hyperbolic monopoles (2017).
- Yi Huang Moduli spaces of surfaces (2014).
- Callum Sleigh Eynard-Orantin theory of the A-polynomial (2013).
Nick Scott Polynomial hierarchies generated by Eynard-Orantin invariants (2012).
- Norman Do Intersection theory on moduli spaces of curves via hyperbolic geometry (2010).
- Thomas Handscomb Characteristic classes of surface bundles and Lefschetz fibrations (2009).
PhD at Melbourne
Vacation Scholarships