Peter Forrester
Phone: +61 (0)3 8344 9683
School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Vic 3010, Australia.
Research Interests
Random matrices
Random matrix theory is concerned with giving analytic statistical properties of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices defined by a statistical distribution. It is found that the statistical properties are to a large extent independent of the underlying distribution, and dependent only on global symmetry properties of the matrix. Moreover, these same statistical properties are observed in many diverse settings: the spectra of complex quantum systems such as heavy nuclei, the Riemann zeros, the spectra of single particle quantum systems with chaotic dynamics, the eigenmodes of vibrating plates, amongst other examples.
Imposing symmetry constraints on random matrices leads to relationships with Lie algebras and symmetric spaces, and the internal symmetry of these structures shows itself as a relection group symmetry exhibited by the eigenvalue probability densities. The calculation of eigenvalue correlation functions requires orthogonal polynomials, skew orthogonal polynomials, deteminants and Pfaffians. The calculation of spacing distributions involves many manifestations of integrable systems theory, in particular Painleve equations, isomonodromy deformation of differential equations, and the Riemann-Hilbert problem. Topics of ongoing study include spacing distributions, eigenvalue distributions in the complex plane and low rank perturbations of the classical random matrix ensembles.
Macdonald polynomial theory
Over forty years ago the many body Schrodinger operator with
Statistical mechanics and combinatorics
Counting configurations on a lattice is a basic concern in the formalism of equilibrium statistical mechanics. Of the many counting problems encountered in this setting, one attracting a good deal of attention at present involves directed non-intersecting paths on a two-dimensional lattice. There are bijections between such paths and Young tableaux, which in turn are in bijective correspondence with generalized permutations and integer matrices. This leads to a diverse array of model systems which relate to random paths: directed percolation, tilings, asymmetric exclusion and growth models to name a few. The probability density functions which arise typically have the same form as eigenvalue probability density functions in random matrix theory, except the analogue of the eigenvalues are discrete. One is thus led to consider discrete orthogonal polynomials and integrable systems based on difference equations. The Schur functions are fundamentally related to non-intersecting paths, and this gives rise to interplay with Macdonald polynomial theory.
Statistical mechanics of log-potential Coulomb systems
The logarithmic potential is intimately related to topological charge -- for example vortices in a fluid carry a topological charge determined by the circulation, and the energy between two vortices is proportional to the logarithm of the separation. The logarithmic potential is also the potential between two-dimensional electric charges, so properties of the two-dimensional Coulomb gas can be directly related to properties of systems with topological charges. In a celebrated analysis, Kosterlitz and Thouless identified a pairing phase transition in the two-dimensional Coulomb gas. They immediately realized that this mechanism, with the vortices playing the role of the charges, was responsible for the superfluid--normal fluid transition in liquid Helium films. In my studies of the two-dimensional Coulomb gas I have exploited the fact that at a special value of the coupling the system is equivalent to the Dirac field and so is exactly solvable. This has provided an analytic laboratory on which to test approximate physical theories, and has also led to the discovery of new universal features of Coulomb systems in their conductive phase.
Log-Gases and Random Matrices (PUP, 2010, 808pp)
I started working on this project in August 1994, and apart from minor corrections finished 15 years later.
A list of some corrections:
PhD students and theses
Wendy Baratta (2008-2010) Special function aspects of Macdonald Polynomial theory
Ben Fleming (2008-2011) Particle system realisations of determinantal processes
Anthony Mays (2007-2011) A geometrical triumvirate of real random matrices
Allan Trinh (2018-2021) Finite N corrections in random matrix theory
Jiyuan Zhang (2018-2021) Decomposition, invariances and harmonic analysisin random matrix theory
Honours students and projects 2005-2010
0Ching Yun(Yang Ling) Chang (2005)
High precision computation of some probability distributions in random matrix theory
Heather Dornom(Lonsdale) (2005)
Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence
Anne Laing (2005)
Guises of the Fibonacci sequence
David Glover (2006)
Equivalence of construction methods for Sturmian words
Anthony Mays (2006)
Combinatorial aspects of juggling
Lauren Trumble (2006)
Relating random matrix theory to queueing theory
Katarina Kovacevic (2008)
Spacing distributions in random matrix systems
MSc students and projects 2016-
Anas Rahman (2016)
Moments of the Laguerre beta ensemble
Allan Trinh (2016)
Jiyuan Zhang (2017)
Two-dimensional random unimodular complex and quaternion lattices