Here, I collect some of my seminar slides (and a few posters from the days of my youth). Use at your own risk — sometimes I tell little white lies in talks if it makes for better exposition or avoids boring technicalities. This is particularly true for outreach talks. If in doubt, consult my papers here.
Weight modules for affine vertex operator algebras with finite and infinite multiplicities, IV Algebra in Natal, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 26/7/2024.
Representations of affine vertex operator algebras and W-algebras, New Directions in Conformal Field Theory, Fields Institute, Toronto, 18/3/2024.
Inverse quantum hamiltonian reduction, ANZAMP Congress, Katoomba, 7/2/2024.
In which Physics demands new Mathematics, AustMS Meeting, University of Queensland, 7/12/2023.
The modular machine -OR- Even number theory is secretly physics, Highlights of Mathematical Physics, University of Melbourne, 25/8/2023.
Inverse quantum hamiltonian reduction: a primer, Representation Theory XVIII, Dubrovnik, 26/6/2023.
Reducible but indecomposable, ANZAMP Congress, Hobart, 9/2/2023.
Reducible but indecomposable — for Yvan Saint-Aubin, in celebration of his retirement, Integrable systems, exactly solvable models and algebras, Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Montréal (virtual), 6/10/2022.
A higher-rank logarithmic Kazhdan–Lusztig correspondence, Representation Theory XVII, Dubrovnik, 4/10/2022.
Exploring higher-rank logarithmic vertex operator algebras, Representation theory, Vertex and Chiral Algebras, Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro (virtual), 21/3/2022.
Vertex algebras and modularity, Frontiers in Representation Theory, MATRIX Creswick, 24/2/2022.
A Kazhdan–Lusztig correspondence for a vertex algebra associated to sl3, AustMS Meeting, University of Newcastle (virtual), 8/12/2021.
Relaxed modules and logarithmic CFT, Quantum Field Theories and Quantum Topology Beyond Semisimplicity, Banff (virtual), 1/11/2021.
Inverse quantum hamiltonian reduction, The Art of Mathematical Physics (a conference to celebrate the 60th birthday of Hubert Saleur), Institut de Physique Théorique CEA-Saclay (virtual), 20/9/2021.
The spectral theorem (and what it's good for), Highlights of Mathematical Physics, University of Melbourne (virtual), 19/8/2021.
Weight modules for sl3 minimal models, Rocky Mountain Representation Theory Seminar (virtual), 7/5/2021.
The Nappi–Witten model as a logarithmic CFT, ANZ String Theory Seminar (virtual), 4/12/2020.
A tale of monstrous moonshine, Highlights of Mathematical Physics, University of Melbourne (virtual), 12/10/2020.
A new approach to W-algebras, Geometry, Algebra, Mathematical Physics and Topology Seminar, Cardiff University (virtual), 25/6/2020.
Bosonic ghosts: modularity for a non-rational CFT, University of Tokyo (virtual), 18/5/2020.
Fractional-level WZW models, ANZAMP Congress, Tweed Heads, 5/2/2020.
Representations of affine vertex algebras: beyond category O, AustMS Meeting, Monash University, 4/12/2019.
Representations of affine vertex algebras, Workshop on Vertex Operator Algebras and Related Topics, Tianyuan Mathematical Center, Chengdu, 19/8/2019.
Representations of affine vertex algebras, The Mathematical Foundation of Conformal Field Theory and Related Topics, Chern Institute of Mathematics, Tianjin, 14/6/2019.
A higher-rank fractional-level Wess-Zumino-Witten model, ANZAMP Congress, Merimbula, 6/2/2019.
Modularity beyond rationality, Subfactors in Sydney, UNSW, 4/2/2019.
An introduction to logarithmic conformal field theory, International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Montreal, 24/7/2018.
sl3 weight modules and higher-rank logarithmic CFT, ANZAMP Congress, Auckland, 31/1/2018.
The standard module formalism: modularity and logarithmic CFT, Integrability in Low-Dimensional Systems, MATRIX Creswick, 29/6/2017.
A (gentle) introduction to logarithmic conformal field theory, Integrability in Low-Dimensional Systems, MATRIX Creswick, 27/6/2017.
Boundary algebras and scaling limits for logarithmic minimal models, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne, 24/10/2016.
Non-rational CFTs and the Verlinde formula, AustMS Meeting, Flinders University, 30/9/2015.
Non-C2-cofinite VOAs and the Verlinde formula, Lie Algebras, Vertex Operator Algebras and Related Topics, University of Notre Dame, 16/8/2015.
Classifying Representations for Conformal Field Theory, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne, 6/8/2015.
Beyond Rational Conformal Field Theory, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne, 18/6/2015.
Modular Transformations, Representation Theory and Physics, Department of Mathematics Colloquium, University of New South Wales, 19/5/2015.
Two-Dimensional Superconformal Algebras, Institute for Geometry and its Applications, University of Adelaide, 17/4/2015.
Symmetric Jack Polynomials and Fractional Level WZW Models, ANZMP8 Meeting, Melbourne, 10/12/2014.
Parabolic Verma Modules, Bosonic Ghost Systems and Logarithmic CFT, 30th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Ghent, 15/7/2014.
Module Categories for Affine VOAs at Admissible Level, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna, 17/3/2014.
Modular Properties of Non-Rational Conformal Field Theory, ANZAMP Congress, Mooloolaba, 27/11/2013.
Non-Negative Integer Verlinde Coefficients for Fractional Level WZW Models, AustMS Meeting, University of Sydney, 3/10/2013.
The Wess-Zumino-Witten Model on SL(2;R), Pacific Rim Mathematical Association Congress, Shanghai, 25/6/2013.
Fractional Level Wess-Zumino-Witten Models, Modular Transformations and Verlinde Formulae, Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, 10/12/2012.
Modular Properties of Fractional Level WZW Models, ANZAMP Congress, Lorne, 4/12/2012.
Wess-Zumino-Witten Models on Lie Supergroups, Institute for Geometry and its Applications, University of Adelaide, 17/10/2012.
Conformal Field Theory and the Modular Group, Department of Mathematics Colloquium, University of Queensland, 17/9/2012.
What's New in Critical Lattice Phenomena?, Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National University, 1/12/2011.
Lattice Discretisations of Integrable Sigma Models, Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University, 9/11/2011.
Affine sl(2) at k=-1/2, beta gamma Ghosts and Logarithmic CFT, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, 3/10/2011.
Lattice Discretisations of Integrable Sigma Models, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Bologna, 15/9/2011.
Indecomposable Modules for the Virasoro Algebra, University of Melbourne, 2/5/2011.
A (Gentle) Introduction to Lie Superalgebras, La Trobe University, 29/4/2011.
D-Brane Charges in Wess-Zumino-Witten Models, University of Adelaide, 18/10/2010.
Anything You Can Do..., Founder's Day Talk, Australian National University, 15/10/2010.
Indecomposable Representations in Physics, AustMS Meeting, University of Queensland, Brisbane, 29/9/2010.
Whither Indecomposability?, Lethbridge University, Alberta, 25/8/2010.
Fractional Level WZW Models as Logarithmic CFTs, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 25/2/2010.
Indecomposable Modules for the Virasoro Algebra, Centre de Recherche Mathématiques, Montréal, 15/9/2009.
Quantum Symmetries and Integrable Sigma Models, Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam, 1/7/2009.
Quantum Symmetries and Lattice Regularisations, DESY, Hamburg, 3/6/2009.