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O. Serra, X. Wang, S-J. Xu and S. Zhou,
Perfect codes in circulant graphs of degree p^l - 1, 31 pages.
X. Wang, S-J. Xu and S. Zhou,
Stability of graph pairs involving cycles, 16 pages.
- Y. Li, B. Xia and S. Zhou, The second largest eigenvalue of some nonnormal Cayley graphs on symmetric groups, 28 pages.
Published (or accepted)
T. Fang, S. Zhou and S. Zhou,
A family of symmetric graphs in relation to 2-point-transitive linear spaces,
J. Algebraic Combin. 61:7 (2025),, 20 pages. SharedIt link (view only):
D. Bantva, S. Vaidya and S. Zhou,
Radio labelling of two-branch trees,
Appl. Math. Comput. 487 (2025) Paper No. 129097.
X. Wang, L. Wei, S-J. Xu and S. Zhou,
Subgroup total perfect codes in Cayley sum graphs,
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 92 (2024) 2599-2613.
J. Zhang and S. Zhou,
Nowhere-zero 3-flows in nilpotently vertex-transitive graphs,
J. Algebraic Combin. 60 (2024) 225-239.
Y. Li, B. Xia and S. Zhou,
The second largest eigenvalue of normal Cayley graphs on symmetric groups generated by cycles,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 206 (2024) Paper No. 105885.
X. Wang, S-J. Xu and S. Zhou,
On regular sets in Cayley graphs,
J. Algebraic Combin. 59 (2024) 735-759.
Y-L. Qin, B. Xia and S. Zhou,
Stability of graph pairs involving vertex-transitive graphs,
Discrete Math. 347 (2024) Paper No. 113856.
J. Zhang and S. Zhou,
Nowhere-zero 3-flows in Cayley graphs on supersolvable groups,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 204 (2024) Paper No. 105852.
Y. Li, B. Xia, S. Zhou and W. Zhu,
A solution to Babai's problems on digraphs with non-diagonalizable adjacency matrix,
Combinatorica 44 (2024) 179-203.
T. Fang, B. Xia, S. Zheng and S. Zhou,
Cubic graphical regular representations of Ree groups,
Comm. Algebra 51(9) (2023) 3729-3733.
Y. Li, B. Xia and S. Zhou,
Aldous' spectral gap property for normal Cayley graphs on symmetric groups,
European J. Combin. 110 (2023) Paper No. 103657.
Y. Wang, B. Xia and S. Zhou,
Regular sets in Cayley graphs,
J. Algebraic Combin. 57 (2023) 547-558.
B. Xia, S. Zheng and S. Zhou,
Cubic graphical regular representations of some classical simple groups,
J. Algebra 612 (2022) 256-280.
Y. Wang, B. Xia and S. Zhou,
Subgroup regular sets in Cayley graphs,
Discrete Math. 345 (2022) Paper No. 113023.
M. Cao, B. Lv, K. Wang and S. Zhou,
Non-trivial t-intersecting families of vector subspaces,
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 36 (2022) 1823-1847.
X. Liu and S. Zhou,
Eigenvalues of Cayley graphs,
Electronic J. Combin. 29(2) (2022) P2.9, 164 pages.
J. Zhang and S. Zhou,
Corrigendum to "On subgroup perfect codes in Cayley graphs" [European J. Combin. 91 (2021) 103228],
European J. Combin. 101 (2022) 103461.
T. Edwards, B. I. P. Rubinstein, Z. Zhang and S. Zhou,
A graph symmetrisation bound on channel information leakage under blowfish privacy,
IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 68 (2022) 538-548.
X. G. Fang, J. Wang and S. Zhou,
Classification of tetravalent 2-transitive non-normal Cayley graphs of finite simple groups,
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 104 (2021) 263-271.
A. Llado, H. Mokhtar, O. Serra and S. Zhou,
Distance-constrained labellings of Cartesian products of graphs,
Discrete Applied Math. 304 (2021) 375-383.
M. Cao, B. Lv, K. Wang and S. Zhou,
Extremal even-cycle-free subgraphs of the complete transposition graphs,
Appl. Math. Comput. 405 (2021) 126223.
C. H. Li, B. Xia and S. Zhou,
An explicit characterization of arc-transitive circulants,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 150 (2021) 1-16.
Y-L. Qin, B. Xia, J-X. Zhou and S. Zhou,
Stability of graph pairs,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 147 (2021) 71-95.
Y-L. Qin, B. Xia and and S. Zhou,
Canonical double covers of generalized Petersen graphs, and double generalized Petersen graphs,
J. Graph Theory 97 (2021) 70-81.
Y. Li, X. Liu, S. Zhang and S. Zhou,
Perfect state transfer in NEPS of complete graphs,
Discrete Applied Math. 289 (2021) 98-114.
X. Ma, G. L. Walls, K. Wang and S. Zhou,
Subgroup perfect codes in Cayley graphs,
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 34 (2020) 1909-1921.
J. Zhang and S. Zhou,
On subgroup perfect codes in Cayley graphs,
European J. Combin. 91 (2021) 103228.
Y-Q. Chen, T. Fang and S. Zhou,
Affine symmetric graphs and classification of a family of symmetric graphs with complete quotients,
Discrete Math. 342 (2019) 1792-1798.
Y-L. Qin, B. Xia and S. Zhou,
Stability of circulant graphs,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 136 (2019) 154-169.
S. Zhou,
Cyclotomic graphs and perfect codes,
J. Pure and Applied Algebra 223 (2019) 931-947.
L. S. Chandran, D. Issac and S. Zhou,
Hadwiger's conjecture for squares of 2-trees,
European J. Combin. 76 (2019) 159-174.
[Conference version: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9797 (2016) 417-428.]
- A. Elvey-Price, M. A. Surani and S. Zhou,
The isoperimetric number of the incidence graph of PG(n,q),
Electronic J. Combin. 25(3) (2018), P3.20, 15 pages.
A. M. W. Hui, M. A. Surani and S. Zhou,
The vertex-isoperimetric number of the incidence and non-incidence graphs of unitals,
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 87 (2019) 957-970.
F. Hsu and S. Zhou,
Resolvable Mendelsohn designs and Frobenius groups,
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 98 (2018) 1-13.
J-X. Zhou and S. Zhou,
Weak metacirculants of odd prime power order,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 155 (2018) 225-243.
H. Huang, B. Xia and S. Zhou,
Perfect codes in Cayley graphs,
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 32 (2018) 548-559.
T. Fang, X. G. Fang, B. Xia and S. Zhou,
Vertex-imprimitive symmetric graphs with exactly one edge between any two distinct blocks,
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 152 (2017) 303-340.
R. Feng, H. Huang and S. Zhou,
Perfect codes in circulant graphs,
Discrete Math. 340 (2017) 1522-1527.
S. Yu, M. Liu, W. Dou, X. Liu and and S. Zhou,
Networking for big data: a survey,
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 19 (1) (2017) 531-549.
H. Mokhtar and S. Zhou,
Recursive cube of rings as models for interconnection networks,
Discrete Applied Math. 217 (2017) 639-662.
D. Bantva, S. Vaidya and S. Zhou,
Radio number of trees,
Discrete Applied Math. 217 (2017) 110-122.
[Extended abstract: Electronic Notes in Discrete Math. 48 (2015) 135–141.]
G. Xu and S. Zhou,
Hadwiger's conjecture for the complements of Kneser graphs,
J. Graph Theory 84 (2017) 5-16.
D. R. Wood, G. Xu and S. Zhou,
Hadwiger's conjecture for 3-arc graphs,
Electronic J. Combin. 23 (4) (2016), P4.21, 18 pages.
T. Fang, X. G. Fang, B. Xia and S. Zhou,
A family of symmetric graphs with complete quotients,
Electronic J. Combin. 23 (2) (2016), P2.27, 40 pages.
S. Cichacz, D. Froncek, K. Sugeng and S. Zhou,
Group distance magic and antimagic graphs,
Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 32 (2016), 1159-1176.
[Extended abstract: Electronic Notes in Discrete Math. 48 (2015) 41-48.]
S. Zhou,
Total perfect codes in Cayley graphs,
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 81 (2016) 489-504.
A. W. Lin and S. Zhou,
A linear-time algorithm for the orbit problem over cyclic groups,
Acta Informatica 53 (2016) 493-508.
[Conference version: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8704 (2014) 327-341.]
R. Rotheram and S. Zhou,
Cores of imprimitive symmetric graphs of order a product of two distinct primes,
J. Graph Theory 81 (2016) 364-392.
H-S. Gan, H. Mokhtar and S. Zhou,
Forwarding and optical indices of 4-regular circulant networks,
J. Discrete Algorithms 35 (2015) 27-39.
A. Kelarev, C. Ras and S. Zhou,
Distance labellings of Cayley graphs of semigroups,
Semigroup Forum 91 (2015) 611-624.
G. Xu and S. Zhou,
Three-arc graphs: characterization and domination,
Discrete Applied Math. 193 (2015) 200-207.
X. Liu and S. Zhou,
Quadratic unitary Cayley graphs of finite commutative rings,
Linear Algebra and its Applications 479 (2015) 73-90.
X. Li and S. Zhou,
Nowhere-zero 3-flows in graphs admitting solvable arc-transitive groups of automorphisms,
Ars Math. Contemp. 10 (2016) 85-90.
Y. Cheng and S. Zhou,
A survey on approximation mechanism design without money for facility games,
Advances in Global Optimization,
Proc. 4th World Congress of Global Optimization,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics Vol. 95, Springer, 2015, pp. 117-128.
[Final version not to be published elsewhere.]
S. Zhou,
Invariants concerning f-domination in graphs,
Bull. Malaysian Math. Soc. (2) 37 (2014) 1047-1055.
D. King, Y. Li and S. Zhou,
Linear and cyclic distance-three labellings of trees,
Discrete Applied Math. 178 (2014) 109-120.
X. Liu and S. Zhou,
Spectral characterizations of propeller graphs,
The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 27 (2014) 19-38.
G. Xu and S. Zhou,
Symmetric graphs with two-arc transitive quotients,
J. Austral. Math. Soc. 96 (2014) 275-288.
X. Liu and S. Zhou,
Spectra of the neighbourhood corona of two graphs,
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 62 (2014) 1205-1219.
G. Xu and S. Zhou,
Hamiltonicity of 3-arc graphs,
Graphs and Combinatorics 30 (2014) 1283-1299.
A. Thomson and S. Zhou,
Rotational circulant graphs,
Discrete Applied Math. 162 (2014) 296-305.
A. Thomson and S. Zhou,
Frobenius circulant graphs of valency six, Eisenstein-Jacobi networks, and hexagonal meshes,
European J. Combinatorics 38 (2014) 61-78.
[In the last paragraph of this paper, one exceptional case was overlooked, namely when n = 37 and the 6-valent first-kind Frobenius circulant is TL_{37}(11, 10, 1).
This graph has chromatic number 5 according to Theorem 4 in reference [28] in the paper. Hence the bound n > 19 should be changed to n > 37 in this paragraph. Thanks Brahadeesh Sankarnarayanan for bringing this omission to my attention.]
S. Zhou,
Unitary graphs,
J. Graph Theory 75 (2014) 37-47.
M. Giulietti, S. Marcugini, F. Pambianco and S. Zhou,
Unitary graphs and classication of a family of symmetric graphs with complete quotients,
J. Algebraic Combinatorics 38 (2013) 745-765.
S. Zhou,
A note on the degree-diameter problem for arc-transitive graphs,
Bull. of the ICA 68 (2013) 102-105.
X. Li and S. Zhou,
Labeling outerplanar graphs with maximum degree three,
Discrete Applied Math. 161 (1-2) (2013) 200-211.
X. Li, V. Mak-Hau and S. Zhou,
The L(2,1)-labelling problem for cubic Cayley graphs on dihedral groups (final version),
J. Combinatorial Optimization 25 (4) (2013) 716-736.
S. Zhou,
On 4-valent Frobenius circulant graphs,
Discrete Math. and Theoret. Comp. Sci. 14 (2) (2012) 173-188.
X. Liu and S. Zhou,
Spectral properties of unitary Cayley graphs of finite commutative rings,
Electronic J. Combinatorics 19 (4) (2012), P13.
X. G. Fang and S. Zhou,
Gossiping and routing in second-kind Frobenius graphs,
European J. Combinatorics 33 (2012) 1001-1014.
M. Knor, G. Xu and S. Zhou,
A study of 3-arc graphs,
Discrete Applied Math. 159 (2011) 344-353.
G. Xu and S. Zhou,
Solution to a question on a family of imprimitive symmetric graphs,
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 82 (2010) 79-83.
S. Zhou,
Trivalent 2-arc transitive graphs of type G_2^1 are near polygonal,
Annals of Combinatorics 14 (2010) 397-405.
X. Li, V. Mak and S. Zhou,
Optimal radio labellings of complete m-ary trees,
Discrete Applied Math. 158 (2010) 507-515.
D. King, C. J. Ras and S. Zhou,
The L(h, 1, 1)-labelling problem for trees,
European J. Combinatorics 31 (2010) 1295-1306.
M. Knor and S. Zhou,
Diameter and connectivity of 3-arc graphs,
Discrete Math. 310 (2010) 37-42.
C. H. Li, C. E. Praeger and S. Zhou,
Imprimitive symmetric graphs with cyclic blocks,
European J. Combinatorics 31 (2010) 362-367.
A. Thomson and S. Zhou,
Gossiping and routing in undirected triple-loop networks,
Networks 55 (2010) 341-349.
G. J. Chang, C. Lu and S. Zhou,
Distance-two labellings of Hamming graphs,
Discrete Applied Math. 157 (2009) 1896-1904.
S. Zhou,
Minimum partition of an independence system into independent sets,
Discrete Optimization 6 (2009) 125-133.
S. Zhou,
A class of arc-transitive Cayley graphs as models for interconnection networks,
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 23 (2009) 694-714.
S. Zhou,
Classification of a family of symmetric graphs with complete 2-arc transitive quotients,
Discrete Math. 309 (2009)
A. Thomson and S. Zhou,
Frobenius circulant graphs of valency four,
J. Austral. Math. Soc. 85 (2008) 269-282.
S. Zhou,
A distance-labelling problem for hypercubes,
Discrete Applied Math. 156 (2008) 2846-2854.
S. Zhou,
On a class of finite symmetric graphs,
European J. Combinatorics 29 (2008) 630-640.
N. C. Wormald and S. Zhou,
Large forbidden trade volumes and edge packings
of random graphs,
Discrete Math. 308 (2008) 2751-2755.
S. Zhou,
Distance labelling problems for hypercubes and Hamming graphs - a survey,
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 28 (2007) 527-534.
Z. Lu and S. Zhou,
Finite symmetric graphs with 2-arc transitive quotients (II),
J. Graph Theory 56 (2007) 167-193.
A. Telcs, N. C. Wormald and S. Zhou,
Hamiltonicity of random graphs produced by 2-processes,
Random Structures and Algorithms 31 (2007) 450-481.
G. J. Chang, C. Lu and S. Zhou,
No-hole 2-distant colouring for Cayley graphs on finitely generated abelian groups,
Discrete Math. 307 (2007) 1808-1817.
J. Yuan, J. Y. Zhang and S. Zhou,
Routing permutations and involutions on optical ring networks: complexity results
and solution to an open problem,
J. Discrete Algorithms 5 (2007) 609-621.
S. Zhou,
Labelling Cayley graphs on abelian groups,
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19 (2006) 985-1003.
J. Y. Zhang, Z-Q. Liu and S. Zhou,
Dynamic domination in fuzzy causal
IEEE Tran. Fuzzy Systems 14 (2006), no.1, 42-57.
S. Zhou, J. Y. Zhang and Z-Q. Liu,
Fuzzy causal
networks: general model, inference and convergence,
IEEE Tran. Fuzzy Systems 14 (2006), no.2, 412-420.
S. Zhou,
Two-arc transitive near-polygonal graphs,
J. A. Bondy et al eds., Graph Theory in Paris, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel/Switzerland, 2006, pp. 375-380.
S. Zhou,
A local analysis of imprimitive symmetric graphs,
J. Algebraic Combinatorics 22 (2005) 435-449.
M. A. Iranmanesh, C. E. Praeger and S. Zhou,
Finite symmetric
graphs with two-arc transitive quotients,
J. Combinatorial Theory (B) 94 (2005) 79-99.
S. Zhou,
Almost covers of 2-arc transitive graphs,
Combinatorica 24 (2004), 731-745.
[Erratum: Combinatorica 27 (2007) 745-746.]
J. Yuan and S. Zhou,
Polynomial time solvability of the weighted ring
arc-loading problem with integer splitting,
J. Interconnection Networks 5 (2004) 193-200.
L. Stacho, J. Siran and S. Zhou,
Routing balanced communications on
Hamiltonian decomposable networks,
Parallel Processing Letters 14 (2004) 377-385.
S. Zhou,
A Gallai-type equality for the total domination number of
a graph,
Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 24 (2004) 539-543.
S. Zhou,
A channel assignment problem for optical networks modelled by Cayley graphs,
Theoretical Computer Science 310 (2004) 501-511.
V. Mak and S. Zhou,
Minimum span frequency assignment problem on triangular lattices,
Proceeding of the 6th International Conference on Optimization:
Techniques and Applications (ICOTA6, Ballarat, 2004), 14 pages.
J. Y. Zhang, Z-Q. Liu and S. Zhou,
Quotient FCMs: a decomposition
theory for fuzzy cognitive maps,
IEEE Tran. Fuzzy Systems 11 (2003) 593-604.
S. Zhou,
Symmetric graphs and flag graphs,
Monatshefte fur Mathematik 139 (2003) 69-81.
S. Zhou,
Constructing a class of symmetric graphs,
European J. Combinatorics 23 (2002) 741-760.
S. Bau, N. C.Wormald and S. Zhou,
Decycling numbers of random regular
Random Structures and Algorithms 21 (2002) 397-413.
S. Zhou,
Imprimitive symmetric graphs, 3-arc graphs and 1-designs,
Discrete Math.
244 (2002) 521-537.
C. H. Li, C. E. Praeger, A. Venkatesh and S. Zhou,
Finite locally
quasiprimitive graphs,
Discrete Math. 246 (2002) 197-218.
M-K. Siu, Z. Zhang and S. Zhou,
An inequality between the diameter
and the inverse dual degree of a tree,
Discrete Math. 259 (2002) 351-358.
S. Zhou,
Locally restricted colorings of graphs,
J. Combin. Math. and Combin.
Computing 43 (2002) 147-157.
A. Gardiner, C. E. Praeger and S. Zhou,
Cross ratio graphs,
J. London Math. Soc. (2) 64 (2001) 257-272.
C. H. Li and S. Zhou,
On isomorphisms of minimal Cayley graphs and digraphs,
Graphs and Combinatorics 17 (2001) 307-314.
S. Zhou,
Classifying a family of symmetric graphs,
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 63 (2001) 329-335.
C. H. Li, C. E. Praeger and S. Zhou,
A class of finite symmetric graphs
with 2-arc transitive quotients,
Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 129 (2000) 19-34.
S. Zhou,
Bounding the bandwidths for graphs,
Theoretical Computer Science 249 (2000) 357-368.
S. Zhou,
Inequalities involving independence domination, f-domination, connected
and total f-domination numbers,
Czechoslovak Math. J. 50 (125) (2000) 321-330.
S. Zhou,
A sequential coloring algorithm for finite sets,
Discrete Math. 199 (1999) 291-297.
B. Chen and S. Zhou,
Domination number and neighbourhood conditions,
Discrete Math. 195 (1999) 81-91.
S. Zhou,
Conditional invariants and interpolation theorems for graphs,
J. Combin. Math. and Combin. Computing 30 (1999) 67-89.
S. Zhou,
A class of imprimitive symmetric graphs (extended abstract),
A. Sali, M. Simonovits and V. T. Sos eds., Paul Erdos and His Mathematics,
(Budapest, 1999), Janos Bolyai Mathematical Society, 1999, pp. 278-280.
S. Zhou and J. Yuan,
Harper-type lower bounds and the bandwidths of the
compositions of graphs,
Discrete Math. 181 (1998) 255-266.
S. Zhou,
Interpolation theorems for graphs, hypergraphs and matroids,
Discrete Math. 185 (1998) 221-229.
B. Chen and S. Zhou,
Upper bounds for f-domination number of graphs,
Discrete Math. 185 (1998) 239-243.
S. Zhou,
Interpolation theorems for a family of spanning subgraphs,
Czechoslovak Math. J. 48 (123) (1998) 45-53.
S. Zhou,
Weight distribution of the bases of a binary matroid,
Applied Mathematics Letters 11 (1998) 15-18.
S. Zhou,
On f-domination number of a graph,
Czechoslovak Math. J. 46 (121) (1996) 489-499.
S. Zhou,
Matroid tree graphs and interpolation theorems,
Discrete Math. 137 (1995) 395-397.
S. Zhou,
Unifying approaches for constructing labelled graphs from known ones,
J. Combin. Inform. System Sci. 20 (1995) 305-319.
S. Zhou,
Several interpolation theorems for graphs,
Graph Theory Notes of New York XXIX (1995) 18-20.
S. Zhou and X-N. Yue,
Gallai-type equalities for f-domination and connected f-domination numbers,
Graph Theory Notes of New York XXIX (1995) 30-32.
J. Yuan and S. Zhou,
Optimal labelling of unit interval graphs,
Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B (Engl. ed.) 10 (1995) 337-344.
S. Zhou,
Interpolation theorems for the f-chromatic index of multigraphs,
Y. Alavi, D. R. Lick and J. Liu eds., Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Algorithms
and Applications, World Scientific Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1994, pp. 433-438.
- S. Zhou, Disjoint hamiltonian cycles in Fan-2k type graphs, J. Graph Theory 17 (1993) 673-678.
PhD Thesis
- S. Zhou, Imprimitive Symmetric Graphs, The University of Western Australia, 2000